All about Rhetoric
A blog discussing the ups and downs of a Rhetoric student.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Research Paper so far....

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Changing the Face of Poverty
Poverty has become a huge problem in the country. When people think of poverty, they tend to forget that there are people in the United States facing poverty. On Television, we always see commercials asking for donations and food for other countries. But before we only think about other countries, we need to think about our own first. Many Americans are struggling with poverty, they don't have a place to live or money for food. These daunting commercials remind us that there are people that need our help. You will see commercials with sad-faced, little girls looking terribly sad. They stare at you with those sad eyes, and it really makes you want to help. But behind all the pictures and commercials, there is much more than just the images. These people need our help, they need our donations etc. Diana George, author of "Changing the Face of Poverty" explains how poverty effects everyone, even people in our own country. She also explains how we can help our struggling peers survive in this country.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Homeless on Campus
In "Homeless on Campus", Eleanor J. Bader tells a story about a woman named Aesha who is stuggling with money while being a college student. Aesha has a difficult time being able to afford a place to live while being a college student. She also has a son to look after and that also tends to make being poor even more difficult for her. Aesha also found herself being on trains a lot to waste some of the time she had of being homeless. Atleast on the train she had some type of shelter. Aesha stayed in public housing for a while and continued to pursue an education. Another person, Asad had a hard time with money also. He found himself spending a lot of time on the streets. This story goes through the stuggles of college students not having a lot of money. As well as other people that are not students not having enough money to survive.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Driving in the car music
This playlist is the best playlist for driving in the car because these songs are very calming and relaxing. The Luke Bryan songs are very good songs to listen to in the car because they have meaningful stories and they get you thinking. The Drake song, I like because it is catchy and makes me in a good mood. Katy Perry's song is one of my favorites and that is why I put it on my playlist. The Jason Aldean songs are good songs to listen to in the car because they are very heartfelt and get you thinking. The Cassidy Pope song is good for the playlist because it is very deep and emotional.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Hannah Montana gone mad... now Miley Cyrus
Warning! Warning! Good girl gone bad! Is this really the
former Disney star Hannah Montana? You know, the one that our kids use to look
up to? Sadly to say... That's her.
Have you had the chance to look at Miley's new video
"Can't Stop?" If you haven't and you're ready to see the raunchiness
and humiliation it brings to her, give it a shot. When Miley was making this
video, the main goal was to escape the Hannah Montana image. She wanted
everyone to know that she is no longer a little girl, but now a woman. There was a million ways that she could have
gone about trying to get a more mature image, and I do not think that this was
the smart way to do that. Being more
than half naked, dancing with a bear, twerking, and making out with a doll; I
don't think that that is acting like a mature woman.
Lets take a look at her new video!
The message that this video is sending to fans and everyone else is that this girl is on a road towards disaster. From the looks of this video, Miley looks like she is on her way to being the next Lindsay Lohan. When Miley was making this video I don't think she understood the consequences of her actions. Did she realize that acting like this would turn people away? Even scare away some fans that don't like the vulgarity of her new persona? I don't think she did. Honestly, I don't even think she cares what kind of publicity she is getting. Good or Bad, it's still publicity and she is still getting even more famous from negative comments. Because even if people disgust the new Miley and her actions, they are still talking about her, giving her views on YouTube etc.
I think that Miley was successful at getting her message out
there, even if I do not agree with the way that she did that. She thinks that
people will think that she is a mature, grown up but what I see is a sleazy,
immature girl still trying to find her place in the world. Miley is setting a
bad example for the teen girls out there. She is teaching them to be sleazy,
rambunctious, and dress like trash. Miley's new obsession with partying is
setting a terrible example for girls coming of age in America. If they watch
this video, they will think that partying and acting like this is acceptable
behavior, when it clearly is not.
Miley wanted to change her image and be more edgy and
"urban." But when fans look at her, they just see a girl that looks
like a mess. This video has drawn controversy for its supposed drug use and
references, and highly sexual dance routines. What happened to the normal
Miley? You know, the one we saw in "Party In The USA?" She looked like she was going to
grow up to be a respectable young woman, but Miley has took a turn for the
worst. Who knows what else Miley has up her sleeve, the next video could be
even more repulsive than this one. But until then, keep a look out for this teen creating controversy for the public eye.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Luke Bryan's new album, "Crash My Party"
Luke Bryan does it again, crashing the charts at number 1 with his new album "Crash My Party." This album earned the third biggest sales week of any album in 2013! Luke Bryan has made a career of being country's polite, party boy. He doesn't necessarily have a dangerous edginess, but he sure knows how to show you a good time. The ladies love him, and the country boys wanna be him. Luke has had an insanely successful career ever since he started in the mid 2000's. At the age of 14, Luke's parents bought him his first guitar. After he learned to play it, he joined a few local bands and started to play at local clubs. Luke then planned to move to Nashville for the music industry. But the night before he was suppose to move, his brother died in a car accident. Luke put off his music career to go to college, at Georgia Southern University, to be closer to his family. In 2001, Luke's dad convinced him to pursue his music career in Nashville. He began his career writing songs for Travis Tritt and Billy Currington. Ever since then, Luke has had a crazy journey being a part of country music. He has had four albums and has won "Entertainer of the Year" award at The Academy of Country Music Awards. It's safe to say, the man's not all looks, he sure has talent too.

Luke Bryan sure had big shoes to fill after his extremely
popular, and successful album "Tailgates and Tanlines." Yea, maybe Luke should have kicked it up a notch to have this new album, "Crash My Party," be as diverse as his older album, "Tailgates and Tanlines." But I don't think the fans will mind, to them it will just be a nice new chapter in a pleasingly familiar book. A lot of the songs off the new album sound very similar, the typical, sappy love songs. It could be said that Luke kind of played it safe on his new album. However, "That's My Kind of Night," a song off of the new album, has a very hip-hop feel, something that Luke really hasn't done before. And very smartly "That's My kind of Night" is the first song off of his new album, which really sets the tone for the whole album. Honestly, "That's My Kind of Night" is such an upbeat, catchy song and the rest of the songs have a hard time keeping up with the momentum. Yea, some might say that Luke played it safe on the new album, but maybe it was a smart move on his part. Maybe it just means the next album will be that much better. But Come on, he must be doing some thing right to be number 1 on the charts right now.
'That's My Kind of Night'
Songs about love, friendship and loyalty make up a bulk of
the songs off of "Crash My Party." But hey, nobody complains when Luke creates
more love songs, that's what the guy does best. He really knows how to take it
home when he sings those heartfelt, emotional, love songs. He does a spectacular job of making the songs
come to life. A new love song that fans will love is "Play It Again." "Play It Again" is one of Luke's best story-telling songs he has
ever made. If you loved "I Don't Want This Night to End" in his former album,
you will go crazy over "Play It Again." "Play It Again" is a tale about meeting
a girl who he falls for right on the spot. I'd say the song is definitely one of
the best off of the album. "Roller Coaster," is another one of his new hits. This
one is about the roller coaster of love, and how a girl is twisting him around
like a roller coaster, always keeping him on the edge of his seat. I would
predict this one to be a number one hit off of the album.
'Play It Again'
If you're a die hard Luke Bryan fan, you will love the new album! The songs about southern starry nights, cold cans, and tan legs swinging over tailgates will remind you of all the other Luke Bryan songs that you love. If you're asking whether to buy the album or pass? Buy! The songs that Luke make just seem to work, people love the songs, even if some of them sound similar. There is nothing wrong with the album, but there is also nothing remarkable about the album. It would be nice to see Luke step it up on the next album and give his fans something to rave about. But no matter what, true Luke fans will love him either way. Fans are drawn to this talented, sweet, country boy.
If you're a die hard Luke Bryan fan, you will love the new album! The songs about southern starry nights, cold cans, and tan legs swinging over tailgates will remind you of all the other Luke Bryan songs that you love. If you're asking whether to buy the album or pass? Buy! The songs that Luke make just seem to work, people love the songs, even if some of them sound similar. There is nothing wrong with the album, but there is also nothing remarkable about the album. It would be nice to see Luke step it up on the next album and give his fans something to rave about. But no matter what, true Luke fans will love him either way. Fans are drawn to this talented, sweet, country boy.
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